This blog is a simple lifestyle blog exploring life, events, ideas, and concepts from the view of a free-spirited creative. Always one to walk to the beat of my own drum, feel free to come on this journey of growth, awareness, and exploration… And lets not get too deep, but have fun in the process! lol.

While I am an intellectual, often being very conservative or of a serious nature, I transition easily from my more formal “nerdy” self to my “goofball” alter-ego that loves to joke, laugh, and have a good time.

These days I’m obsessed with finding my purpose and being my true, authentic self! This includes loving ALL of me, including my flaws and shortcomings, and embracing them as the beautiful fabric that makes up my unique nature, essence, and being.

I love God, my family, fashion, everything pink, anything classy, and all things fabulous!

One of the most defining moments of my life, which turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and has helped to shape me into who I am and how I view the world, was attending a PWI (which was like no other PWI) that had a great “black experience” and sense of community. I was  learning from the best, amongst some of the brightest, and a portion of which just so happened to look like me: young brown Kings and Queens who were learning to come into their own, as they were finding their place in this world and making their marks. So I had the best of both worlds. And as a result, I can function in diverse settings and be relatable to a variety of people, yet have the love, bond, understanding, & pride with and for my people and culture. Having a greater awareness of self, and the world around me, I am a firm believer that all things happen for a specific reason to help shape you for the destiny you were born to live and fulfill.

I am certain that everything that I’ve been through, all the things I’m gifted with, and even the things I’m interested in, are for a reason and a purpose that’s bigger than I.

I hope you enjoy this blog & content, and seeing things from my perspective & point of view.

C. Rai